What a Time for the FOSE



  1. Love the unique FOSE swaps! Would have been interesting to get just a tiny bit more detail on who/what ended up in his body. Was it just a normal mannequin that figure out human life quickly? Are all mannequins conscious and just waiting to be set free? Or was this particular mannequin a human before? And he was just unlucky enough to masturbate to a mannequin that just so happened to have a soul of its own to swap with?

    Regardless, keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you :) The idea was that the mannequin was conscious and learned human behaviour from being in the store. I will do more caps like this but they may not always be conscious mannequins

  2. This is definitely one of my favorite caps from you. I love how the new human is so dismissive of the mannequin who is trying to say something. And how they are happy to just leave it to be trapped in the store forever!
