Do People Like This Blog?

I have felt very unmotivated to continue writing. Especially since my Patreon was taken down. I have had some nice comments on my work in the past but am not sure if I should continue posting. If you like the captions and would like for me to continue posting let me know.


  1. I love your blog your caps are awesome and i would love to see you continuing the content

    1. Thank you, I will continue to try and post as much as much as possible! :)

  2. Please keep posting! You work is fantastic!!

  3. I enjoy all of your captions!!!

  4. Keep posting! I check this blog every day and I honestly think you make some of the best captions out of all the others I check out.

  5. Your captions are excellent in quality and detail, and like everyone has said above, your work is very much appreciated.
    I hope you can find the motivation to continue or at the very least put your writing talents towards your other passions. :)

  6. Love your caps, keep up the good work! My advice as a former blogger/writer- don’t put too much pressure on yourself to post frequently, go at your own pace to help with the burnout

  7. Love this blog! Great sexy pictures and really good writing. Please keep going at your own pace. As others have said don't feel pressured to bog every day, take a break if you need to.

  8. This is the best tg themed website in existence. Please, keep up.

  9. Thank you that makes me glad to hear. I appreciate your long time support :)

  10. Thank you so much. Your comment is very motivating. I will try to post as much as possible. I appreciate your kindness and am very glad to hear my work is considered one of your top 3 :)

  11. This is a good blog, only just found it the other week. Blogs like this are slow going, but viewers definitely exist. It's not all fake, the pageviews.
